Hold on a sec ... wasn't it SPRING yesterday???
Here in Greensboro, NC spring sprung the last few days. Temps were balmy, daffodils could be spotted here and there ... the birds were chirping their praises as well. Hopefully, like me you felt a sense of renewal and hope that it seems Spring always has the magical power to bring...
Today, not so much, but let's stay confident it'll be back for good soon!!
One of the things I love spotting this time of year is the Forsythia. A welcome sight on the tail end of grey winter days, it's one of the first harbinger's of Spring.
Did you know more than simply that happy burst of yellow, there's a host of folklore around Forsythia?
Forsythia is one of the fundamental herbs in Chinese herbal medicine. It is associated with the heart, lung and gallbladder meridians (energy channels in the body.) Chinese herbalists use it to detoxify the body and as a remedy for headaches, fevers and excessive thirst.
The Forsythia plant is named for the Scottish botanist, William Forsyth (1737-1804) -- he had such a huge impact on gardening, including creating one of the world's first rock gardens, that forsythias were named in his honor.
Forsythia's are a deciduous shrub ... with flowers that fill in quickly and grow fast
In some areas the Forsythia is also known as the "Easter Tree" ... since they come into bloom often around Easter time
Forsythia is an entire genus with 11 species included within it. The genus falls into the Oleaceae family, which includes (among many others) olives and jasmine -- what a seemingly diverse family!
While the Forsythia plant is only used for ornamental purposes the flowers themselves are edible. They can be added to tea, salads or baked goods for decoration. (Note, the leaves, stems, roots and seeds should NOT be eaten and can be mildly toxic.)
Forsythia carries the symbolic meaning of excitement, anticipation and a new start at the beginning of spring each year. In Korea, these blooms are also a symbol of devoted love.
There is much meaning behind color as well and YELLOW corresponds to confidence, warmth, joy, happiness, new beginnings and sunny days.
PLUS ... Bees and butterflies love them!
So there you go ... more than you ever knew about this bright little harbinger of spirit perhaps. Or, did you know already??

Core Integrity Pilates is a boutique fitness and holistic wellness studio nestled in the amazing Revolution Mill complex in Greensboro NC. The mission at CIP is to inspire, empower and educate all bodies while promoting a balanced lifestyle through the healing power of movement and preventative healthcare. The connection between body and mind is at the heart of the Pilates system and it is the passion at CIP to guide you into discovering your natural strength and flexibility. Visit Core Integrity Pilates @ https://www.coreintegritypilates.com